Evolve Pest Control


What are bees?

Bees are flying insects that are known for their crucial role as pollinators in the ecosystem. They belong to the Hymenoptera order and are closely related to wasps and ants. Bees have round, robust bodies covered in fine hair, which helps them collect and transport pollen. They play a vital role in the reproduction of flowering plants by transferring pollen from male to female flower parts, enabling the production of fruits and seeds.

Are bees dangerous?

Bees are generally not aggressive and will only sting when they feel threatened or perceive their hive to be under attack. For most people, bee stings result in temporary pain, swelling, and redness at the sting site. However, individuals with bee sting allergies may experience severe reactions that require immediate medical attention. It’s important to exercise caution around bees and respect their space to minimize the risk of stings.

Why do I have a bee problem?

Bees are attracted to areas where they can find sources of nectar and pollen. If your property has flowering plants, gardens, or fruit trees, it may attract bees as they forage for food. In some cases, bees may establish hives in or near structures, such as attics, chimneys, or wall voids. They may also occupy preexisting cavities like tree hollows or abandoned animal burrows. If you notice a high number of bees on your property or suspect the presence of a hive, it’s essential to address the issue promptly.

Where will I find bees?

Bees can be found in various outdoor locations, including gardens, parks, and natural habitats. They are commonly seen buzzing around flowers, collecting nectar and pollen. When it comes to nesting, bees prefer secluded areas that provide protection and easy access to food. Common nesting sites include tree hollows, wall voids, attics, chimneys, and sometimes even underground. It’s important to note that not all bees are social and form large colonies like honeybees. Some bees, such as solitary bees, create individual nests in soil or plant stems.

How do I get rid of bees?

Dedicated to providing our residential and commercial customers with effective pest control solutions, Evolve Pest Control will solve all of your Texas, Nevada, and St. George, UT property’s pest problems. Our trained and experienced service technicians perform thorough inspections and advanced treatments to eliminate pests and prevent them from returning.

When dealing with bees, it’s crucial to prioritize their preservation, as they play a critical role in the environment. It’s important not to attempt to remove or destroy a hive on your own, as this can be dangerous and harmful to the bees and yourself. If you have bees call Evolve.

How can I prevent bee problems in the future?

While it’s beneficial to support bee populations, there are some measures you can take to reduce the chances of bee-related issues:

  • Limit the availability of open food and sugary beverages, especially during outdoor activities, to avoid attracting bees.
  • Plant bee-friendly flowers and plants away from high-traffic areas to provide bees with a dedicated food source while minimizing interactions with humans.
  • Regularly inspect and seal any openings in your home’s exterior, such as cracks, gaps, or holes, to prevent bees from establishing nests indoors.
  • Keep trees and shrubs pruned and well-maintained to discourage bees from nesting in tree hollows or other potential nesting sites.
  • Learn more about bees and educate others about their importance in the ecosystem. Promote bee-friendly practices, such as avoiding the use of pesticides harmful to bees and providing water sources for bees in your garden.